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400 der weltweit besten Tätowierer zeigen an diesem Wochenende ihr Können – live auf der Haut und begleitet von exklusiven Foto- und Kunstausstellungen, Live-Performances und Wettbewerben mit einer hochkarätigen Jury, die das Tätowieren in all seinen Facetten und Stilen beleuchten.
Frankfurt zurück im Mittelpunkt der internationalen Tattoo Szene - vom 28. bis 30. März 2025 findet zum 3. Mal die renommierte Tattoo Convention GODS OF INK in Frankfurt am Main statt.
Die besten 400 Künstler aus 20 Nationen – darunter Star-Tätowierer wie Mark Mahoney (Lana Del Rey, Johnny Depp), Tin Tin (Beyoncé, Jay-Z), Yomico Moreno (The Rock) uvm.
Kunst- und Fotoausstellungen, Live-Performances und Musik-Acts.
Tattoo Competitions.
Food Court & Bar Area.
Tattoo Competition
The Gods of ink Tattoo Convention is proud to present the 1st edition of our highly anticipated Tattoo Competition…
Mike Dorsey
Tattooing is always my end goal in any art medium since I started and still is. I started painting…
Chris Guest
A child of the 80s, He grew up in inner city Bristol, and wasted a lot of his early life playing 80s arcade games…
Sakiko Nomura Photo Exhibition
This exhibition of photographs by Sakiko Nomura documents the aesthetics of iki [urbanity] and inase [chivalry] protected and passed down by the men of Edo…
FUEL Girls
Not only are we bringing the world’s most famous tattoo artists to Frankfurt, we are…
Metal for Nepal
We are delighted to announce that Metal For Nepal will once again join forces with Gods of Ink for an…
Italian Hustla
The organizers of “Italian Hustla” are excited to announce an exceptional exhibition…
Ransho Mandala Exhibition
I have been pursuing the beauty of Japanese tattoos for half a century. Tattoos are both powerful and very fragile…
MOJO Paint Ausstellung
Dark and overshadowed by a perennial melancholy, his art, despite being changeable in subjects and techniques, is constant…
JEE Saya Exhibition
The exhibition “Take Me Back to Me” by JEE Saya is a unique collection of screenprints intervened with Chinese ink and sculptures…